Sunday 1 November 2009


Yes I said Halloweena!!! Halloween has been renamed in our house thanks to my 2yr old daughter Grace, who believes that Halloweena (a fairy princess) comes on this day bringing lots of sweets & fun to our street.

This was also our first year to have a pumpkin. When I was a kid we just had turnips, but now it seems the kids all want pumpkins. I recall mum's hands being so sore after carving my turnip so I certainly wasn't looking forward to carving a pumpkin!!!! I drew the face on our pumpkin & passed the buck to my husband. I now know why turnips are out & pumpkins are in, THEY ARE HOLLOW !!!! The only carving needed was the face!

With Jess my eldest already out trick or treating & Grace all ready (dressed as a pumpkin) to go out, we had our first group of kids knocking the door. Quick I said to Grace, there are some trick or treaters at the door, as I got to the porch I quickly turned to tell her it was just a delivery man. There were 2 boys stood in screen masks & black cloaks, enough to terrify an adult never mind a 2yr old ready to experience her very first halloween!

1 comment:

Baz said...

my god claire... Jess is the spitting image of you! that's unbelievable..

As for turnips! what are you like???

I was sat upstairs most of the evening, on the pc, then watching scary filums,.. downstairs was in darkness, so no trick or treaters.. later I popped downstairs for a drink, no sooner had a put the living roomlight on, there was a bang bang bang on the door! then on the window, then on the door again.. As if I have sweets for kids!! and why were kids on trick or treating at 9.45 pm??? sod that. I hid in the kitchen!.. turned the lights out..