Thursday 26 March 2009

Boudoir fine art photoshoot

Here are just a few of the images from the recent Boudoir fine art photoshoot. The female body has so much beauty, so why not show it off & have some intimate images, tastefully shot of yourself whether it be a gift to your fiance on your wedding night, to your husband, or just to treat yourself. For more details click on the PDF on my main website.
I'd like to thank Teri & Kim for taking part in the shoot & putting their trust in me to produce some stunning images. Kim is a very talented design student & Teri is in the process of developing a company selling high end pet furniture. Her partner Mel (a life long friend of mine) manufactures the bespoke furniture. Their company will be live on the web in the very near future. For any of you who are looking for something a bit different for your furry friends the website address will be

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Amy & Richard's Pre-wed shoot

Here are just a few of the images taken from Amy & Richard's Pre-wedding shoot last weekend. The couple are to be married at Close House this coming May. Both being keen snow boarders we had plenty in common to talk about. Close House is a fabulous wedding venue with some great areas indoors & out for photo opportunities. I look forward to shooting the wedding & meeting the Welsh rugby guys (friends & family of Richard) who I'm told will be a great help at organizing the groups!